The Canvas Chronicles - January 2023 Edition
“Happy Birthday to … us!”
On January 9th, we blew out a bright, singular candle to celebrate our one year anniversary at Canvas and Clay Studio. The beginning of a new year always represents the turning over of a new leaf - But for us, it also represents the continuation of something beautiful, something we are proud of. It’s easy to fall into the trap of rushing through life and giving yourself over to the hustle instead of embracing still. Yet, this year, our goal is to relax into the gift of stillness.
“Many people are trying to make peace, but that has already been done. God has not left it for us to do; all we have to do – is to enter into it.”
Dwight L Moody
Every small moment in life - no matter how seemingly insignificant - has purpose and beauty. The futures we dream of are built in these tiny moments of time, crafted in the minutes and hours that make up our days. Each person has the same twenty-four hours, but not every person cherishes those twenty-four hours the same. We cheapen our journey to the finish line if we fail to embrace the rocky travels that get us there. No mistake is final when we are bought with the blood of Christ, who redeems us from every misstep and misdead through repentance and faith. This is what helps us to rest into the moment.
“Real contentment must come from within. You and I cannot change or control the world around us, but we can change and control the world within us.”
Warren Weirsbe
As we look forward to moving into our new studio next month, we have pooled tons of inspiration that we would love to share! Right now, as we lean into our mantra of stillness, we have been drawn to soft things - mellow colors, muted tones and understated “statement” pieces. Organic materials have also caught our eye, mixed with gentle linens and cool-toned brass. To add shape to any room, we are loving small patterns with intricate detailing. Finally, we want to know who said we can’t wear white after Labor Day?! Clearly, they have not heard of winter whites - which we adore here at Canvas and Clay. Nothing says “crisp, clean and calm” quite like a good winter white.
“God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.”
C.S. Lewis